The Importance of Voting
If you don't vote, you can protest all you want, but things won't change.
Don't Vote? Don't Complain.
Don't like the way your local police treat citizens? Vote in NEW officials who will make your priorities their priorities.
Vote OUT corrupt, status quo officials.
Read your ballots thoroughly. Make choices in line with your morals and ideals.
For maximal local impact, vote for candidates, especially City Council & Congress Reps, Mayors, Sheriffs, Governors and JUDGES who have shown a commitment to Criminal Justice Reform.
Excitedly Serve Jury Duty. Don't get out of that summons. Get on the Jury so that your voice can be heard and cases can be decided fairly. You may be the only voice on that jury proposing civil treatment for a defendant of color.

Know Who's Currently in Control and How You Feel about their Performance.

You don't have to be rich or popular or powerful; sincere, people vote for passionate, like-minded, goal-oriented candidates.